Yordano Villacres 


My name is Yordano Villacres, and I am 15 years old. I live in Saint Petersbur, Florida, and  I attend Northeast Highschool. I am an A and B student, and I try my best to succeed. I also enjoy playing soccer, as I am actively playing in a competitve club as of right now. I also like to go to the gym now n my spare time, since I want to look better, and I need to condition for the soccer season. Whenever I am not either playing soccer or going to the gym, I also enjoy playing videogames with friends. My favorite game is called Combat Warriors, which is a fighting game.                              


Email :  yordanovillacres@gmail.com

Website :  YordanoV.com

Phone : (201)- 904 -5010

Address : Anytown, Anycountry

Content Holder 2

Photoshop and Illustrator 


 During the beginning of the year, it was certainly challenging to understand the basics of photoshop. Throughout the first couple of assignments, I found it very challenging to perform the tasks that the assignment would ask of me, resulting in a poor grade. During these experiences though, I learned valuable lessons from it, and eventually managed to become better at photoshop, even passing mutliple of the tests on Gmetrix. On the other hand, Illustrator was an application that I struggled with constantly, and although I completed the assignments, I often performed them poorly. Despite this, I usually managed to end the quarters with a B, which is a relatively high grade. I find these assignments somewhat fun, when I can actually perform them correctly. I do enjoy Web Dev Tech class, and I wish to eventually get better at it as a whole.